Foster Ice Machine 505 Lbs. Air-Cooled With 180 Lbs. Hotel Dispenser

Sale price$4,692.00

Technical Data

Commercial Ice Machine Specifications For 505 Lbs. Air-Cooled With 180 Lbs. Bin and Dispenser

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24 Hour Ice Yield

350 Lbs Per Day

Bin Capacity

150 Lbs.


115 Volts


Dispenser 22" x30" x48" [with adjustable 6" legs 54"]
Ice Maker 22" x24" x22.5"


GSD120-D /SK-329


Warranty Matters

Our responsibility doesn't end with the sale

  • Peace of Mind: If anything goes wrong due to manufacturing defects or other covered issues, you won't be left bearing the financial burden of repairs or replacements

  • Quality Assurance: Our robust warranties demonstrate our confidence in the quality and reliability of our ice machines

  • Value-added Service: Beyond the initial sale, our commitment to customer service extends to providing support and assistance whenever needed. Whether it's troubleshooting technical issues, providing maintenance tips, or facilitating repairs